Why Consistency Is So Important?

Rubab Mughal
4 min readJan 8, 2022

As we already know, that life is not a bed of roses. Everyone faces a difficult time at any point in his life. But if he remains consistent and bears the difficulties of life with patience, then he will achieve his goals.

What is Consistency?

Consistency is the ability to stay on track to achieve your goals. It means despite all the hurdles of life you should hold your goals firmly.

I saw many people who do not succeed in their life just because of a lack of consistency. If you want to achieve your goals or you want to be successful in your life then you must be consistent in your work. Martin Luther said,

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run walk, if you can’t walk crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

How we Stay Consistent

There are some following ways which help you to stay consistent in your life.

Goals are very important to stay consistent

First of all, you write all your goals on paper. Then pick one of the most important goals you want to achieve right now. Create a mental image and think about how could you achieve this goal? Then stay consistent and put your all efforts to achieve this goal. After completing the first goal, then you focus on your next one.

It creates accountability

Accountability is a responsibility to do some work. It only develops through consistency. If you are accountable for doing any work, then you can’t back down.

In my opinion, it is the supreme quality that consistency develops in you. If you want to be successful, then you have to be accountable to yourself. You should review your actions on a weekly or monthly basis. Through this process, you will be able to know what you have achieved or lost.

It leads to success

The thing which differentiates between success and failure is consistency. It’s very difficult to remain consistent in your actions, especially if you have to do the same thing every day, which looks uninteresting. But if you want to improve your skills and fulfill your dreams, so all this is possible only with consistency.

It builds your trust in your audience

If you publish your articles as you want then your reader will be lost their interest and they will be discouraged. You must be regular. Only through hard work, consistency, and dedication, you can polish your skill.

I know you couldn’t succeed on the first attempt, but trust me every failure gives you a lot of courage to be consistent in your work. You can’t walk on track of success until you publish your articles consistently. Consistent people build trust and are more influential than others.

Content is King but consistency is the queen

You have heard this phrase many times in your life that “Content is King”. Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft used this phrase first time in his essay in 1996.

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

The content is amazing. But if it is outdated or inconsistent it will not be effective. So, both are important for success.

It develops self–control

Consistency only comes when we do proper attention and hard work. Before doing any task, it’s important to prepare your mind, that which steps you will take to achieve this task. You take a deep look at your goals and think about which difficulties you may face in your journey? Then break down your goal into parts. It’s the simplest way to achieve your goals.

If you start a new business, then it is a challenging task to grow it in a very small time. Although your plan will be best, you can’t achieve it without consistency. Similarly, if you are inconsistent in your writing then you can’t win the trust of your readers.


In the end, I would like to say that consistency is as much important as content, SEO, and any other thing. If you are a beginner, then consistency is the only thing that can make you successful.



Rubab Mughal

I'm studying BS Chemistry and love to write about health, beauty, self improvement and tips for making money.